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Berkley Home Health teams wants you to know that we are taking COVID-19 precautions and planing seriously. Our staff have the appropriate PPE and are working diligently as a part of post acute health care community to keep our team and patients safe.

Our clinicians will come into your home wearing the PPE as well as make sure to wash / sanitize their hands and will keep social distance for most tasks as your safety as is our teams is of utmost importance to us and to our community. 


Here is a comprehensive list of resources that we are following:

Clinical criteria for evaluation and testing:

Things to remember:

It is normal to be scared, distressed or angry when you hear about a disease outbreak. Be careful not to turn fear and anger towards people who have become sick. Ask yourself:

  • Would you think or do the same thing if this was a different infectious disease, like the flu?

  • Does what I’m doing make people safer or does it create more fear or harm? 

The risk of COVID-19 is not at all connected with race, ethnicity, or nationality. Blaming others will not help fight the illness. Seeking and sharing accurate information will.

Recognize signs of stress in yourself. Identify what you are afraid of. Figure out if what you fear is something that you can address right now. If not, know what activities help you release energy from stress and fear, such as physical activity, listening to music, or talking with someone you trust. Do something that puts you in a positive mood.

How COVID-19 Spreads


The disease most likely spreads the same way as similar respiratory illnesses.

  • Person-to-person contact:   

    • To become sick, you have to be exposed to the virus. CDC defines exposure as being within 6 feet (2 meters) of someone with a confirmed infection for a prolonged period of time.    

    • Exposure can occur through respiratory droplets -- when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how flu and other respiratory viruses spread.   

  • Infected surfaces or objects:  

    • It may be possible to get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes.   

  • For these reasons, people at increased risk of infection are:  

    • People who have been to areas where widespread community transmission is occurring.  

    • People who had direct close contact with someone who has COVID-19. 

Symptoms and severity


  • Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

  • Illness can be severe and require hospitalization, but most individuals recover by resting, drinking plenty of liquids, and taking pain and fever-reducing medications.

Higher-risk population
  • Certain people are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, including:

    • Older people (over age 60), especially those over 80.

    • People who have chronic medical conditions like heart, lung, or kidney disease, or diabetes.

    • Older people with chronic medical conditions are at the highest risk.

  • People at higher risk should take action now to be prepared for this virus if there is an outbreak in their community. CDC has the information you need to prepare. LINK 

  • ​Everyone's daily preventive actions are important in reducing spread to people who may experience more severe illness

If you are sick

It is important to call ahead before going to see a doctor or emergency room to prevent the spread of illness. Tell them your symptoms and that you suspect you were exposed to someone with COVID-19 or had recent travel to a place that is experiencing community spread.

Prevention & Community Spread 
PPE Proper Procedure

© 2024 Berkley Home Health Care Systems, LLC

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